Radio Silence Explanation

Hello Hello from the land of no Internet access! Yes - Unfortunately the reason for my Radio Silence is not born from
choice.. After a quick dash to New Zealand to visit my very sick grandmother at the end of April, I arrived home to find a disconnected adsl line - ugh! after many hours talking to tech "support" (i use that term very loosely) they have had to basically start from zero & reinstall a new adsl line (7 more working days!!)

so right now little sister & I are sitting in our pyjamas - in the car - with blankets & pillows trying to stay connected to a very dismal McDonald's free wifi - so ill keep it short but I haven't forgotten about you all & your lovely letters - MANY MANY photos to come :) until then keep writing xo Rin


  1. Aww, poor you >: *hugs* I hope your connection will be okay soon!
    Can't wait to receive your letter <3

  2. Hello Rin! It's Gladys here! I hope that everything will be better for you soon! Ive sent you a letter so I hope you will get it soon! And I hope that your grandma is okay! Take care!



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Peace & Love xo

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