So Freaking Cool..
So Freaking Excited to have my products in a for real bricks and Mortar shop! Wahoo! - Little Paper Lane

Handmade Valentine Swap.
Remember seeing me post about this swap - Well here's what I came up with :) Sorry about the rubbish photos I just couldn't seem to get the angle right!

A Valentines Day Window.
I was Super Duper Lucky this February to be asked to install the Valentines Day Window for my most favourite shop in ze world - Little Paper Lane . After a Week or So of full on Prep and an Afternoon Installing with the wonderful owner extraordinaire - jayde - here's The Finished Product. I thought it was pretty Rad if I do Say so Myself :)

Resolution Update (January)
You May Remember I Made This Resolution Earlier this year. Well it's all going swimmingly :) Hope yours are too!

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