We all know how much a bright Handwritten letter can mean after a long crappy day - full of missed buses, spilled coffee, late deadlines and miserable weather.. I'm not sure what it is but the mysterious magical properties of a letter can make all the wrong - right - in an instant. That is what I'm asking of you - right now.. I'm asking you to help make a little girls day a little "righter" :)

Meet beautiful, brave, strong & Still smiling Miette - This sweet little girl has been diagnosed with an incurable brain stem tumour - doctors have given her little chance of survival beyond 12 months.. Even so this Super strong girl is on a Mission - to collect as many letters as she can :) (Pretty wonderful hey!) So here is the deal - Instead of writing to me this month PLEASE - take a half hour out of your day to send this special little girl a note, package, letter or surprise! We all know how much a letter can mean - imagine what you'd be doing for Miette.. Get your kids to right one, friends, parents - Link this blog post to your blog! - lets get the message out there & fill Miette's letterbox with so much love, sunshine & joy!

Rin, I will absolutely be writing to Miette. I also have a blog - http://callcreative.blogspot.com and will definitely have a post on there in the coming days about this wonderful little girl. Let's see how many letters we can shower her with :)
ReplyDeleteThankyou Jen! Let's make this a big one :)
ReplyDeleteYou are such a beautiful inspiration Rin and a particularly nice lady. I would love to send this lil one a surprise letter AND let her know how special she is - just like you. We love you Rin xox
ReplyDeletewhat a great thing to do!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHello Rin,
ReplyDeleteThis is great! I'll send it today. Watch my blog: scrapwerk.blogspot.com for a photo of my mail for her.
I will surprise her with drawings from my children and some lovely little girl stuff. and i will put a link on my blog for sure!!!
ReplyDeleteI already love her. Reading her story makes me smile and cry. I'm happy that she is being brave. Will definitely be writing to her :) Thank you for this post! Makes the world better when we come together :) God bless :)
ReplyDeleteOh, I am all over this. I am going to send her some fabulous mail! Thanks for letting us all know :)
ReplyDeletex Jasmine
I just checked the webpage and it says her PO Box number is 2134, which is different to what you have in your graphic.
ReplyDeletex Jasmine