A Sore Foot & A Surprise Package.

Positive = I have lots of time to Write some lovely letters & catch up on my TV Shows.
Negative = Sprained Ligaments in the ankle hurt like a B%$#* :)

Yes unfortunately After falling down some stairs at work I am on crutches/bed bound for the next week at least - Lots of Icebuckets, Elevation & Rest for me! (Don't you think my Compression Bandage looks pretty all washi-ed up - Courtesy of Mumma Bear)  :)

On A brighter note How Happy was I when the delivery man pulled up to my house and pulled out not one but 5 Packages - all for me! - It turns out I won the "Shop For Kids" Summer Competition && Inside was one of These doll houses by Swedish company "Lundby" ++ All the bits & Pieces to go along with it worth $900 - kinda made my day :)


Last Week I went a purchased a super cute mini glass vase from the ever adorable Little Paper Lane - On the drive home I had a brain wave & Shut myself in my room for an hour to create these adorable Washi Tape Twigs - They fit just perfectly in my new vases (&& They show off my lovely washi tape!)


Only 2 Letters so far this week from Two of the loveliest girls you'll ever meet!

Have a wonderful Week Lovelies - Keep Sending Mail :)

Send Something Good

During April/May I had the pleasure of being part of the Send Something Good Project - A Very lovely Project created by 3 sweet ladies Gentri Lee, Kaitlyn && Kristy (All of whom have Amazing blogs you should check out!) - But back to the project, So the Idea was you are given a secret "Blog Partner" to Stalk & find out what makes them tick - Then Send them a super cute package all wrapped up before the deadline - Then... TaaDaaa... Blog about it! So Here goes..

My Swap Partner was the Lovely Jasmine From TinkerFinca (Click the banner to Visit her wonderful blog!) I began by Stalking her blog & even sent a letter off to her to get a few more ideas.. Two Iced Coffees && An hour later I'd come up with a pretty good list of inspiration..

I Didn't take as many pictures as I would have like to of the package I sent - Lucky for me Jasmine has put up some Beautiful pictures on her "Send Something Good" post over at TinkerFinca So go have a gander there too! Here is what I came up with though..

This Letter book was full of sweet notes - Questions - Fortunes - Quotes - Stickers - Lists - Confetti & Other things that I thought would make Jas Smile :) I made it out of an old ABC Golden book & Filled it with Bright Beautiful Pockets && Envelopes - Then Stuffed them full of papery goodness!

I chose alot of Coral & Yellow as those are Jasmines favourite colours :) Inside the Packages are - The Letter Book - A time Capsule - A Notebook, Pen & Coral Washi Tape - A Stamp Pad - A Cupcake notebook && A Vintage Globe.

My Favourite part! (Along with the letter book!) I Love Packaging - And anyone who knows me will tell you I Adore Airmail - So I got out my Favourite Airmail Supplies & Tied up the Prettiest Package I've ever sent! I mean who doesn't love a "Brown Paper Package Tied up with String :)"

Unfortunately Due to (what I hope is!) Postal Difficulties my package has not arrived yet - Hopefully I'll be able to post about it when it does :) Keep sending letters! <3 Rin

This is it! Link up your Send Something Good posts and don't forget to visit each other and comment, comment, comment!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
Finally back in the realm of modern communications! YAY! After a very stressful 12 days without a connection to the online world & numerous phone calls to "support" teams - I can finally bring you all up to date with the happenings of my world - cool huh!

At the End of April we bundled up & jumped on a plane to head to New Zealand to visit my Very Sick Grandma - we Spent 6 days Between the hospital & her home so I had plently of time to send some postcards to some special people :) I also had time to finish the "memory book" my Grandma & I have so enjoyed doing together - with 96 years under her belt she has some pretty amazing stories to tell! She is doing a bit better now but needs full time care, it's hard when you can't be there all the time.. (The last photo is a little bit of a trick of the shadows - I look about 9 months pregnant! I am not!)

International Harry Potter Day was May 2nd - I did my bit! -- Ravenclaw for life! <3 have you checked out the new "Pottermore"  Auhhmuzing!

It is truly amazing the amount of Stuff you can do when you have been cut of from the modern world (okay that's a little bit dramatic!) - I dug out my watercolours & graph paper and made some pretty new sheets of writing paper! yay!

I also found my old supply of embroidery thread and made these super cute (&&super easy!) fishtail friendship bracelets <3

I Had a bit of time over the holidays to put scissors to paper & create some pretty new garlands - you can find them over at my Etsy store -- Papered Thoughts

My Airmail Collection is slowly growing - Aren't they just so pretty!

Inspired by the wonderful girls over at "more love letters" I sent a little love note to the lovely "Little Paper Lane"

And now for the part you've all been waiting (extra patiently!) for :) - but before I show you all the beautiful things that found their way into my mailbox these last few weeks I have a little announcement - Sadly I have become so busy that I am finding it hard to reply to all your beautiful letters - so I will say this, I am doing my best but there may be a delay in reply.. I still would love to recieve anything you want to send but you'll need to be patient with me! I also do try to publish everything I recieve/send but sometimes some slip through the cracks..
















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