Here are a few snippets from my day!

The Super Cute Chalk drawing on the driveway mum did in the middle of the night!

My Birthday dinner - set up by the lovely little sister.

The Most Amazing Map from The Most Amazing Shop from Sister & Mumma Bear - Little Paper Lane - is my favourite place in my home town, a beautiful shop filled with beautiful people! ++ They have just opened their online store! Aaaamazing! The Gift below is from the lovely jayde (Who owns the store) && Her wonderful mum Karyn who runs Sweet n' Pretty <3

Hung up in pride of place in my room :) I adore it! Especially because it's a bit unique in the fact that Australia is in the middle rather than to the left - you can really appriciate how big the pacific ocean is & How in the middle of nowhere we really are!

Dad & I at the Hard Rock Cafe Sydney.
Recently Marlous from A Flood of memories & I organised a little package swap - I was Beside myself when her beautiful package arrived on my birthday! Here is a look at the treasures I recieved - keep an eye out for what i sent her over at her blog ..

A Little bit of the Netherlands - some very pretty airmail/typewriter type pretties, Tons of Ephemera & some gorgeous Handmade envelopes!

A beautiful Birthday Package from the lovely Deidre over at Teo Stationery - Don't you just love the vintage Circus girl! So Spoilt :) Thankyou Lovely!

I was super duper excited to recieve this wonderful handmade postcard from my favourite blogger ever Bianca over at Goodnight Little Spoon she is basically the reason i began blogging about my obbsession with mail (Def go check out her amazing blog!) - so thankyou for the love Miss B!

And finally - my incoming mail basket - *Gasp* Where has the time gone! As you can see the sheer amount of WONDERFUL mail I have recieved the last 2 weeks + The horrible illnesses + The busy work schedule have meant that my replies have fallen to the wayside a bit - however over the next couple of weeks i endevour to remedy this & send out some AMAZING replies to all you beautiful people! But your patience is still appreciated :)
Question of the Week (QOTW) -
It's always a struggle to come up with new awesome things that you can send in a flat envelope to a penpal - what is your go to penpal treat? :)