Is it good?
Is it good enough?
Will it matter?
Does it matter?
Is it too much?
Is it too little?
Should it be bigger, smaller, brighter, cheaper, more expensive?
Will people like it?
Will they get it?
Will it make them happy?
Small business is hard.
These little insecurities,
These little thoughts breaking you down,
You want to be successful,
You want it to work,
You want to reach people,
So you start saying yes to things,
You know you shouldn't,
You start letting people take you,
and your work,
for granted.
Just to drive the thoughts out,
Just to make you feel like it's all worth,
Don't, Stop, Stop now.
You have to stand up for yourself,
and your work,
because no-one else is going to,
stand tall,
and say,
I matter,
my work matters,
I am worthy,
and my work is worth it,
and if they can't see it,
they don't deserve it.