"Be who you needed when you were younger.."
It hit me like a ton of bricks. and has driven the direction of all of my recent creative projects.
Growing up I was a dork, I had harry potter glasses (before they were hipster), braces and a wonderful hair cut (think 90's boy bob). I was happy but shy and teased relentlessly.
And then high school happened, and everything I knew changed, apparently you couldn't be happy being shy and hanging in the library, and spending time on your own made you weird and put and even bigger target on your back.
So I met some bad people, did some bad things and changed (regularly) to fit whatever crowd I was in. Kind of like a chameleon avoiding the bitches.. I spent years miserable and sad and lost. and I was fabulous at hiding it. But it sucked, it really, really sucked. and the worst thing is - my story is the norm. Kids are mean, Girls are meaner. so everyone tries really hard to fade into the background and unfortunately that's where the problems really begin..
Fast forward to 25 and It's taken 3 years of hard work - but I actually know who I am now. And I'm happy. And that's why that hit me so hard. I wish I'd had words from someone who had been there and done it. Just something - anything to hold on to.
and then, as if serendipity was calling me, I stumbled upon Card Bombers Anonymous by the Lucky 44 that same day.
Created by Tanya - the CBA collective aims to send an explosion of positivity and happiness to one person in need each month. Basically - You sign up and each month you get your secret assignment and one lucky soul ends up flooded with love and kindness!
Tanya and I chatted about how much being a teenager can suck, emails full of heartbreak and hope were exchanged and an idea was born. What if we targeted teens and young adults every couple of months - young girls and guys nominated by family who could use a little love and direction.
So that's where you come in.
We all have stories of high school suckiness , heartbreak and bad ideas. We all wish we'd done it differently. And I think we all wish we could be that person we needed when we were younger.
So here's your chance.
This is your call to join the CBA and participate in sending good vibes to a young person who could really use it. Whether it's a note to your younger self, words of encouragement or a simple "you are loved" let's make sure the younger generation knows just how much they matter.
What can you do?
2. Nominate a Young Person via CBA (son, daughter, neice, nephew, friend, god-daughter etc...) who could use a little brightness in the form of handwritten love notes.
3. Spread the Word! the more people who become involved the more love each month to those who need it! Use the Images below & spread them everywhere!