I Butterflying LOVE people. And it just really hit me today how much I love people.
I love people who send me BIG, kind, humbling words, about blog posts I've written, that break my heart and fill my soul with light and hope all at once.
I love people like Katherine Sabbath who are so encouraging and positive to those they inspire, and instead of getting weird about similar creations and coveting their ideas, they just get more brilliant.
I love people who LOVE love. Strangers who are doing super secret kind, lovely things for those they adore (and sending me super secret emails to get me involved!)
I love people like Little Paper Lane who are so unapologetically real. and who will stand up and scream "KINDNESS WILL ALWAYS WIN.. so be kind fuckers.."
I Love people like Emma Kate and Magdalena who might not be exactly where they thought they'd be.. but they're still oh so damn happy to be there..
I love Best Friends who will totally get this post and who will love me, excessive snap chatting && all.
But mostly I love you. I love your kind heart, your strength, your flaws and your beauty.
I love the way you laugh and I love all the tears you've cried.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
please never forget that.
you are loved.