In February this year I embarked on a little project just for myself. I've always found list writing therapeutic & have had bunches of lists in a box under the my bed for years.. from to-do lists to crush lists & book lists - written on pretty paper, scrap paper & napkins.
So when I needed a new creative project, list making seemed to be a logical choice. I found a very lovely journal & embarked on a 365 list project. I started posting my lists to instagram under the "listfullyhappy" tag & it kinda took off from there - I've has so many kind comments & so much love for my lists that it's incredible!
But I've also had a lot of questions - so I thought I'd answer them for you here!
If you'd like to see my collection of lists you can visit the #PTlistfullyhappy tag
&& please pop over to my instagram page to say hello!

1. Where did you get that AMAZING journal! I've always loved kikki k - so when they launched their 365 journal range earlier this year i just had to have one. (they're on sale now && their half price!)
2. Where do you get your endless list ideas from? - are you working from a list of lists? Honestly? I'm just making it up as I go along.. there's no big list of lists - there's no secret website or book full of wonderful ideas. the journal & the lists - it's just a collection of strange, unpredictable thoughts I have on a regular basis. I do have a little jotting notebook I carry with my everywhere to write down list ideas as they pop into my head + have had ideas and suggestions from some lovely instafriends + penpals!

3. What pen do you use so the ink doesn't bleed through the page? I always have and always will use the kikki k everyday gel pen for anything & everything - I have mild anxiety attacks if I have to write with any other pen.
4. I want to do this too! but my writing/creativity/ideas aren't as good! I getcha girlfriend. There is nothing scarier than a blank page. and to be honest, I have billions of projects around my house in various stages of unfinished-ness. But I'm letting go of all that crap and sticking with it. There are more than a few pages that I've already deemed not up to standard & normally this would mean the entire project or journal would be chucked out, but I'm trying my hardest to let go of the perfectionist inside & embrace creative chaos! and it's working out pretty fantastically - page 82 & I'm still motivated as hell!
5. How do you create each page! Mostly it's about finding little bits and pieces that inspire an idea or a story + smooshing them together with washi tape, watercolours & creative lettering!
6. your handwriting is so lovely - where did you learn to letter? I'm all self taught & super proud of my handwriting, it's been many years in the making! I'm always practicing, changing, re-styling & learning more typographical skills - there are so many rad workshops out there at the moment & pinterest is always a constant source of inspiration.
below are a few of the pages from the 365 journal - if you have any other questions, ideas or suggestions please comment & let me know!