This is a Love Letter. and this one's for you.
Type. Delete. Type. Delete. Type. Delete. That's what I've been doing for the last half hour. I've been trying to write this post perfectly. I've been trying to put into words the immensity of my love for something so simple. and it all comes down to one thing. I adore Love Letters.
Is there anything more beautiful than words spilling out honestly onto a page. Words full of Hope and Happiness and longing and love. Words that can tie your heart to another's a million miles away. Words that can break your heart 10 times to Sunday, then build it all up again.
We're all fighting. every single day. fighting to be heard, fighting for attention, fighting for what we want. But when this war is over. What will you leave behind? What is your legacy?
This my dears is a call to arms. A Call to fight harder. A call to grab your weapons and create something Beautiful. Send a Letter. Send a Thankyou note around the corner, or an epic love story across the ocean. Tell the people you love that they are adored, that they are beautiful and strong and always in your thoughts. Let a Stranger know that they are not alone, You don't need a reason to help people. Create something real, put pen to paper and colour outside the lines. It will be Freaking Spectacular.
And one day when your children's children are looking for treasure in dusty old boxes, they'll find the best kind. Bundles of Letters full of Love and Passion and Beauty and Heartbreak. And you won't have to read a single letter because you lived them. But they will read them; they will hold a part of you and drink in every word, Because this is your legacy. This is what we'll leave behind - a hell of a lot of Love.
In the spirit of the holiday season, I've been asked to participate in the More Love Letters annual "12 Days of Love Letter Writing" campaign. It is and amazing 12 days packed to the brim with love letter requests, social media mayhem, giveaways, holiday cheer, and (of course) non-stop scripting of handwritten letters for individuals around the world who are so deserving of some extra holiday cheer. Mark your calendars from December 9-20, 2013, grab your cocoa, and get more details here!

So are you in? Okay Let's do it. Meet Johnny, A guy in need of a little bit of handwritten love.
Scripted by a loving friend, this request is for Johnny! His friend writes: “This young man, about to turn 20, but already needing to go through spinal surgery which is showing signs of a recurrent disc herniation. He faces financial struggles, unable to pursue any of his dreams he grew up believing in. He's been feeling isolated, losing his drive to make friends or hang out with them. I believe that a little pen to paper can really boost his confidence in what life has to offer, even after it seems opportunities are closing up.” Put your pen to paper for this fantastic guy who needs some encouragement to keep going for his dreams.
Please send all love letters to:
(We ask that all love letters be in the mailbox by December 25th!)
Johnny's Bundle
PO Box 2061
North Haven, CT 06473
United States of America
Hannah Brencher is the Brilliant Mind behind MLL && her Words will move your soul.