The Last clue spelled out Little Paper Lane && meant she was off to the most loveliest shop on the northern beaches :)

She Arrived to A little Chalk drawing I did (EARLY that morning) && to a very excited Karyn (@sweetnpretty) - Sometimes LPL Shop Assistant, always Rad Baker!

The Final Clue was a BonBon containing a little invitation to Afternoon Tea with the Two people who love her most in the entire world. (Me & Mumma Bear)
When we Arrived up at Mums I was very lucky to capture her reaction as she saw the pot of gold at the end of a very fun rainbow :)

Lots of presents opened && we have one very exhausted but deliriously happy girl (make that two ;))
But you didn't think the surprises ended there did you! After telling her we were going out to dinner just the 3 of us - We got dressed & headed out.. and Surprise! Her Favourite Restaurant, A Decorated Table && 9 of her closest Girlfriends.

Oh && we Had Rocky Road Chocolate Cups instead of cake :)

All in All it was an amazing day && even though it was Weeks of work I had a ball creating all the clues & making it super special - It's easy when you've got a sister as brilliant & beautiful & deserving as mine. xo