Mysterious Letters.

"We're Sending letters to everyone in the world. One town at a time."

These Two (Lenka.Michael) Rad individuals created the Mysterious Letters project. Basically they write short letters to every occupant/house/building in a town - all letters are posted on the same day in order to arrive on the same day. So far they have written to every home in the small Irish seaside town of Cushendall, the inhabitants of Polish Hill, Pittsburgh, everyone on a long street in St. Gallen, Switzerland and quite a lot of people in Cologne, Germany. How brilliant is that! Not only are they making people smile, but they're starting a conversation between neighbours, they're creating curiousity within a community. They are connecting people. and that's what it's all about isn't it.

Read More Mysterious Letters -- USA // Germany // Switzerland // Ireland

found via the lovely Scribble Project


  1. haha, what a great idea! awesome!

  2. Faith in humanity= restored! What an amazing idea!

  3. you know its such a wonderful idea I think I want to do something like this myself. but where to start?

  4. I heard about this a while ago and I really hope I receive a letter from them one day!

    x Jasmine

  5. This has to be one of the best ideas since toasted bread. LOL. Oh, how I wish for a small-town life. :)

    Thanks for this wonderful little big post.


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