So this Year i'm keeping it simple. No Lists - just one simple resolution. But to understand you have to hear my story - Earlier this year My Grandmother Passed away - We were close, She had lived an amazing, long & sometimes scandalous life. I Had filled a book with stories she had told me & recorded her talking about surviving the london bombing and the end of WWII. She was a truly fascinating Lady.
Ever since I can remember She's always written in a diary - I'd never seen inside them, but whenever she used to fly over and visit us, I'd catch her writing in them in the evening - I think I asked to see them once but she politely declined.
I was floored when we flew over for the funeral to find that she had left me a box of journals - 13 journals dating from 1998 - 2012. And a precious amazing perfect thing from 1954. (which chronicled my grandfather's & her move from England to New Zealand via boat & the building of the house she lived in till the day she passed) Every single journal is filled - every day, something is written - nothing deep, or personal - just the weather, what she did that day or who she recieved mail or phone calls from. But it was truly incredible.
So that's my Plan - My Resolution - To write in a Diary every day. Just like she did - so maybe one day my granddaughter will find them & be able marvel in the everyday life of her grandmother 60 years ago.

The 1954 "Good Housekeeping" Diary

The 13 Journals from 1998 - 2012

The lucky First Journal